Friday, May 16, 2014

follow up

hello jammers i might not update the blog cause i will be on a trip for almost a month so go to the animal jam spirit blog for the updated thing on animal jam
here is were you can see a players game card and play games with another jammer their is rock paper scissor,marbles,scooped,and more.
Here are the animals that you can play as but they are only for members you can get the animals in the diamond shop. You can change their color, pick their name,and dress them up.


                  here we have gifts you can get in animal jam with codes and through jam-a-grams
         The lovable hummingbirds are here go to the diamond shop to get one before they all go!
this is my motto   

Thursday, May 15, 2014

safe for all ages

                                         This is the animal jam home page. Animal jam is safe
                                          for ages it has pets,games,clothes,and much more.
                                          If another jammer is not kind you can block or report
                                          them and you can get a parent dash bored pick the chat  
                                          you would like for your child. completely safe for your child.

we just got started

hello this is a new blog so i am making it. I will post when the blog is done but for now i will be adding things to it.              
                      animal jam wonder blog